Anita Martin Equestrian Center Plant Walk
Lead by Jim Varnum & Jeff Quayle
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01TheGroupD3S_0377e 02MixedFieldIMG_3490 03TxDandelionIMG_3494 04WildGeraniumFlowerIMG_3499 04WildGeraniumLeafIMG_3498
The Group Mixed field Texas Dandelion Wild Geranium flower Wild Geranium leaf
04WildGeraniumSeedpodIMG_3497 05MuskThistleFlowerIMG_3505 05MuskThistleFlowerStagesIMG_3564 05MuskThistleFlowersIMG_3853 05MuskThistleIMG_3502
Wild Geranium seedpods Musk Thistle Flower Musk Thistle Heads Musk Thistle Flowers Musk (Nodding) Thistle
06Lizardtail GauraIMG_3507 06LizardtailGauraIMG_3869 07PinCloverIMG_3511 08Goat's-BeardFlowerIMG_3517 08GoatsBeardIMG_3516
Lizardtail Gaura Lizardtail Gaura Pin Clover Goat's Beard Flower Goat's Beard
09WildLettuceFlowerIMG_3520 09WildLettuceFlowerIMG_3595 09WildLettuceIMG_3518 10SpiderwartD3S_0381e 11PoisonIvyFlowersIMG_3648
Wild Lettuce Wild Lettuce Flowers Wild Lettuce Spiderwort Poison Ivy Flowers
11PoisonIvyIMG_3533 12PaleleafYuccaIMG_3537 12PaleleafYuccaIMG_3694 12Yucca&WoolyIMG_3543 13OldPlainsmanWoollywhiteIMG_3541
Poison Ivy Pale Leaf Yucca Pale Leaf Yucca Yucca & Woolywhite/Old Plainsman Old Plainsman/Woollywhite
14FournerveDaisyFlowerIMG_3540 14FournerveDaisyIMG_3545 15AntelopeHornsIMG_3547 15HairstreakIMG_3864 16SlenderVervainCloseIMG_3552
Four-nerve Daisy Four-nerve Daisy Antelope Horns Hairstreak butterfly on Antelope Horns Milkweed Slender Vervain close