Bear Creek Ranch Audubon Field Trip May 23 2009
BCR owned and operated by Dixon Water Foundation

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GourdIMG_0805 GrapeIMG_0551 GreenthreadIMG_0610 HedgeParsleyIMG_0666 HorsemintIMG_0696
Buffalo Gourd Grape Greenthread Hedge Parsley Horsemint
MorninggloryIMG_0789 NightshadeIMG_0448 PaintbrushIMG_0420 PaintbrushIMG_0633 PeppergrassIMG_0819
Texas Bindweed Nightshade flowers Purple Paintbrush Purple Paintbrush Peppergrass
PlainsmanIMG_0769 PlaintainIMG_0306 PlaintainIMG_0580 PlantainIMG_0583 PrairiePasleyIMG_0658
Old Plainsman Redseed Plantain Prairie Plantain Prairie Plantain flowers Prairie Parsley
PricklyPoppyIMG_0810 PrimroseIMG_0393 PrivetIMG_0715 RhusIMG_0486 RhusIMG_0522
White Prickly Poppy Pink Primrose Chinese Privet Fragrant sumac/Skunk bush Fragrant sumac
SageMealyBlueIMG_0800 SageMealyCupIMG_0458 SageMealyCupIMG_0470 SageMealyVlueIMG_0807 Senna leavesIMG_0787
Mealy-Cup Blue Sage Sage, Mealy-cup - calyxes Mealy-cup Blue Sage Mealy-cup Blue Sage Senna leaves